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Professor Genowefa Rejman
JM Rektor Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Pani Prof. dr hab.
Katarzyna Chałasińska-Macukow
JM Rektor Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Pani Prof. dr hab.
Katarzyna Chałasińska-Macukow
Honorary Patron of the European Centre for Penological Studies
passed away on the 14th of October, 2011
Honorary Patron of the European Centre for Penological Studies
passed away on the 14th of October, 2011

Genowefa Rejman

Genowefa Rejman

Warszawa, dnia 1 grudnia 2011 r.

Warszawa, dnia 1 grudnia 2011 r.

Professor Genowefa Rejman except for the manuals and other publications for students in the field of substantial criminal law published also books: in 1965 a book concerning the question of the attempt of the offence in the substantial criminal law, in 1972 a book about the criminal liability for the inapriopriate control in the group activity and in 1980 a book about theories and forms of quilt in the criminal law. She was the scientific director of the edition of the commentary for the Penal Code of 1997 in which she worked out the issues related to the criminal liability and the criminal defences and excuses which may repeal the unlawful character of the deed or the guilt.

Professor Genowefa Rejman published also a book about the criminal liability of physician (1991) and a work concerning the doctor-patient privilege [in:] “Studia Iuridica” V. 31, related to the lectures at The Centre for Postgraduate Education of Physicians.

Professor Genowefa Rejman except for the manuals and other publications for students in the field of substantial criminal law published also books: in 1965 a book concerning the question of the attempt of the offence in the substantial criminal law, in 1972 a book about the criminal liability for the inapriopriate control in the group activity and in 1980 a book about theories and forms of quilt in the criminal law. She was the scientific director of the edition of the commentary for the Penal Code of 1997 in which she worked out the issues related to the criminal liability and the criminal defences and excuses which may repeal the unlawful character of the deed or the guilt.

Professor Genowefa Rejman published also a book about the criminal liability of physician (1991) and a work concerning the doctor-patient privilege [in:] “Studia Iuridica” V. 31, related to the lectures at The Centre for Postgraduate Education of Physicians.

Pełny tekst Laudacji wygłoszonej przez J. Utrat-Mileckiego ku czci Prof. dr hab. Genowefy Rejman, Patrona Europejskiego Ośrodka Studiów Penologicznych. Podczas Seminarium „Głos w europejskiej debacie na temat uwarunkowań rozwoju współczesnych społeczeństw wielokulturowych. Społeczne, kulturowe i polityczno kryminalne uwarunkowania punitywności”.

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