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obligatory courses concerning culturally integrated penology at the studies of Resocialization and Criminology in Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialization at University of Warsaw from the academic year 2023/2024


History of Penal Cultures

Theory of Punishment as Social and Legal Institution

Humanistic Critique of Penal Practices

Social Conflicts and their Resolutions

Theory of Punishment. Penological Foundations of Criminal Policy

Culturally Integrated Penology Courses

in the Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialization at the University of Warsaw since 2008/2009


Culturally Integrated Penology Courses in the Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialization at the University of Warsaw:

Obligatory courses:


15 h lectures and 15 h classes, (2 ECTS)

History of Penal Cultures:

30 h lectures, 30 h classes (4 ECTS)

Penal Theory:

30 h lectures, 30 h classes (5 ECTS)

Modern Theories of Conflict,

30 h lectures (3 ECTS)

General option at M/A Level

Principles of criminal liability: legal and penological analyses,

15 h lectures, 15 classes (2 pkt ECTS) (optional for students from other seminars)

Culturally integrated studies of models and principles of work of probation officers,

15 lectures, 15 h classes (2 ECTS).

Protection of Child in Criminal Law – legal and Penological Analyses,

15 h lectures, 15 h classes (2 ECTS).

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