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Cultural Context of the Criminal Policy and of the Reforms of Penal Law. Multidisciplinary Analysis : Legal, Penological, Historical, Sociological, Cultural (Anthropological) of Reforms of Penal Law in Poland in the Lights of European and and International Tendencies. Prestigious grant from National Centre of Science in Kraków : the Contract nr UMO-2011/01/B/HS5/03206. The Director of the Project Professor Jarosław Utrat-Milecki. The Amount 198 420 PLN, the time of realization 24 moths (2012-2013).
Law and Social Order. Culturally Integrated analysis of the issue of rationality. Articles and drafts (DoR J. Utrat-Milecki, 2011, IPSiR UW).
Sources of Law. Emotions or Rationale (DoR J. Utrat-Milecki, 2010, IPSiR UW).
Research on Social Conditioning of the Theory of Punishment and its Influence on Criminal Justice Policy (2009, IPSiR, DoR J. Utrat-Milecki, 2009, IPSiR UW);
Principles of Penological Thought in Chosen Western European Countries, Covering the Period Between 1750 and 1850 (DoR J. Utrat-Milecki, 2008, IPSiR UW),
The History of Penitentiary Doctrines and its Cultural Context (DoR J. Utrat-Milecki, 2008, IPSiR UW);
The History of Penitentiary Doctrines (DoR J. Utrat-Milecki, 2007,IPSiR UW);
Punishment in Legal Sciences and in Culture (DoR J. Utrat-Milecki, 2003-2006, IPSiR UW);
Cutlural and Social Determinants of Criminal Responsibility of Juveniles (DoR J. Utrat-Milecki, 2001, IPSiR UW);
Social, Doctrinal and Normative Basis of Criminal Policy ( DoR J. Utrat-Milecki, 2001-2002, IPSiR UW);

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