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Professor Anthea Hucklesby

Anthea Hucklesby

consultant in the criminal justice process.

Anthea Hucklesby is Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Birmingham where she holds a joint appointment in Birmingham Law School and the School of Social Policy. Prior to moving to Birmingham in 2020, she was Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Leeds, where she was Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation for the Faculty of Social Sciences. She has undertaken research and published on many aspects of the criminal justice process including police powers, courts, prisons and community sentences. She is known particularly for her expertise in electronic monitoring and on bail and remand. Her research has been funded the European Commission, UK research councils, UK government and the voluntary and private sectors. She established the Tracking People network with funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council ( Her most recent research is examining the operation of pre-charge police bail in three police forces in England. Anthea is an Expert Academic Advisor on Electronic Monitoring for HM Prison and Probation Service and Ministry of Justice. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.
Her most recent publications include: ‘Comparing electronic monitoring regimes length, breadth, depth, weight equals tightness’, Punishment and Society (2021) with K. Beyens, and M. Boone; and ‘Pre-charge bail and release under investigation (RUI): an urgent case for reform’, Criminal Law Review (2021); A. Hucklesby and R. Holt (2023) Tracking People: wearables in social and public policy (Routledge); and ‘Convergent and divergent pathways: electronic monitoring (EM) in England and Wales and Poland, Archives in Criminology (2023).

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