Dr hab.
Joanna Beata Banach-Gutierrez
pełni w Europejskim Ośrodku Studiów Penologicznych funkcję konsultanta w zakresie badań porównawczych oraz studiów prawa karnego i wymiaru sprawiedliwości karnej na poziomie ogólnoeuropejskim i międzynarodowym.
LL.M with a Major in Comparative and International Criminal Law and Criminal Justice and a Minor in Comparative and European Law, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki (1999)
Associate Professor, Faculty of Law and Administration University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
Associate Professor, Faculty of Law and Administration University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
Field of interests and legal expertise
EU Criminal Law and Policy, International Criminal Justice, EU law, Human Rights Law, Comparative Criminology
Her current research interests concern mainly topics related to the “internationalization” of criminal law and procedure, criminology and police law. Special attention is focused on ‘transnational’ criminal proceedings within the EU, police and judicial co-operation in criminal matters, crime victim’s rights, comparative criminal justice systems.
Her current research interests concern mainly topics related to the “internationalization” of criminal law and procedure, criminology and police law. Special attention is focused on ‘transnational’ criminal proceedings within the EU, police and judicial co-operation in criminal matters, crime victim’s rights, comparative criminal justice systems.
Some of the latest publications
- Restorative Justice and the Status of Victims in Criminal Proceedings: The Past and Future of Victims’ Rights, w: International Perspectives in Victimology, Volume 6, No 1, August 2011, The Press by California State University, 45-60.
- Some Reflections on the Concept of Due Process: What Kind of “Doing Justice” is Emerging in Contemporary Criminal Proceedings?, New Journal of European Criminal Law, Volume 3 (1) 2012, 83-101.
- Fundamental Rights in European Criminal Justice: an Axiolological Perspective, co-author Christopher Harding, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 20 (2012) 239–264.
- Globalised Criminal Justice in the European Union Context: How Theory Meets Practice, New Journal of European Criminal Law, Volume No1-2 ( 2013) 153-166.
- The Emergent EU Criminal Policy: Identifying the Species, co-author Christopher Harding, Aberystwyth University (2012) 37 European Law Review. December © 2012, 758-770.
- Edited book: “EU Criminal Law and Policy: Values, Principles and Methods”, co-author Christopher Harding, Routledge 2016 (First published 2017).
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